Understanding Simplified Uncontested Divorce Singapore
Ever been in a situation where you tried everything to save your marriage yet nothing is working? Or probably you read thousands of “how to win my spouse back” yet none of it is helping? You sulk in a corner suddenly you reminisce of that first date, that first kiss, talking about building the future together, the vow, and the “I do” however reality zaps you back and you felt the need to check on how to file for a divorce.
Getting a divorce is not about being falling out of love in an instant, or out of nowhere you just want to get out of it after being married for a couple of months. There are grounds in order to file for a divorce: (1) adultery, (2) unreasonable behaviour, (3) desertion, (4) 3 years separation with consent, and (5) 4 years separation without consent.
Divorce proceedings have 2 types: (1) simplified uncontested divorce and (2) contested divorce. Let’s first talk about simplified uncontested divorce.
What is Singapore’s simplified uncontested divorce?
Simplified or uncontested divorce denotes that both parties agree to a divorce and also by providing necessary support issues. A contested divorce is the other way around.
When we say “both parties agree” meaning you two have already talked about it and agreed that having it as a course of action is what deemed best for the both of you. Now, it is not just about the two of you that we need to consider. There are also factors that need to be carefully deliberated.
1. Assets
This is about matrimonial property such as the house. There must be an agreement as to who will possess it. It could either be bought from the husband or the wife or just be given solely to the spouse.
2. Children
This is the area where you agree on who would take care of the child(ren) as well as its maintenance if there is any. The sole custodian will take care and has the right to decide for the betterment of the kid’s welfare, though it is preferable to have joint custody for the kid’s well-being.
3. Maintenance
For the maintenance part, there should be an agreement as to how much will be allocated for the child(ren), and if the wife does not have a job or does not have much, there should be an arrangement on whether how much the husband will give the wife.
What’s Next?
Let’s say you have both agreed on the consensus of having a divorce, everything is plotted down then you may ask what’s next? Once you’ve determined that you’re eligible for divorce, you and your spouse already agreed with all the terms you both specified, your next step will be talking or seeking to get advise from a divorce lawyer. Unless you are already confident and you already got all the necessary papers on hand then filing it at the Family Court will be your next step. This may take 3–4 months for your marriage to be considered null and void.